

Are we still grateful?

In research, it is not common to ask people bluntly whether they feel individualistic or selfish. But other human values ...

Zijn we nog wel dankbaar?

Mensen reageren meestal verrast als ik hen vertel dat ik een expert in dankbaarheid ben. Ze vertellen mij dan spontaan ...

Gratitude and loneliness

In a news post of the Open University Netherlands, dr. Lilian Jans-Beken was briefly mentioned. We asked dr. Lilian Jans-Beken how ...

Gratitude is a positive emotion

Negative emotions Anxious, furious, angry, insecure. These are negative emotions that people experience when faced with danger or setback in ...

Dankbaarheid is een positieve emotie

Als psychologen het over emoties hebben, onderscheiden ze negatieve en positieve emoties. Dankbaarheid wordt gezien als een positieve emotie. Wat ...

5 Ways to Practise Gratitude

While Thanksgiving is, in part, about eating our body weight in turkey and mashed potatoes, it’s also about giving thanks ...

Does gratitude makes us happy?

We should be happy all the time. The happiness industry, with a turnover of millions, tells us that if we ...

Publons Duo

In 2017, dr. Lilian Jans-Beken started the peer review course at the Publons Academy. This is a free peer review ...

Second wave positive psychology

Clinical psychology For years, psychology was dominated by the idea that people were "broken" and that they had to be ...

Positieve psychologie 2.0

Positieve psychologie 2.0 (PP 2.0). Heel af en toe komt deze term voorbij in de literatuur. Deze tak van de ...

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